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Mahana Magic recommends the following books to help you and your children through your cancer diagnosis and beyond.

All books can be found on AMAZON SMILE.


When a Parent Has Cancer: A Guide to Caring for you Children


Dr Wendy Harpham offers clear, direct, and sympathetic advice for parents challenged with the task of raising normal, healthy children while they struggle with a potentially life–threatening disease.


Someone I Love is Sick: Helping Very Young Children Cope with Cancer in the Family


This tool addresses all stages of the cancer journey including diagnosis, treatment, hospitalization, recurrence and end of life. The tool can be used by families and health care professionals.


What do I Tell the Kids


A free PDF guide overviewing children’s understanding through different age groups, how to talk about cancer and tips for answering common questions.


Cancer Party


When Sara Olsher was diagnosed with cancer, her first thought was how to tell her six-year-old daughter without scaring her.

Cancer Party! is the result of that conversation and experience.


My Parent has Cancer and it Really Sucks


Author Maya Silver was 15 when her mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. She and her dad, Marc, have combined their family's personal experience with advice from dozens of medical professionals and real stories from 100 teens--all going through the same thing Maya did.


My Dad has Cancer by Makena Couture & Hana Couture

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